Mechanics' Institute Review 16: The Climate Issue

The Mechanics’ Institute Review is a contemporary forum designed to ‘represent the quality and diversity of the UK literary scene’. Perhaps best put it is a collaboration, the efforts of which drive the ethos of the magazine forward - a vanguard of like-minded writers who wish to promote emergent authors and see them sitting amongst established names. Each year the collective publishes a literary anthology that celebrates the power of the short story, poetry, flash fiction and creative non-fiction, and over the last year, I have been lucky and privileged to have worked as one of the editors for the forthcoming edition MIR16: The Climate Edition. Reading the many wonderful submissions, deciding which will best support the thematic climate issues, and working alongside the selected authors has been a tough but rewarding gig. To this end, MIR16 promotes current social and environmental climate themes, intent on under-scoring the unprecedented emergencies that the world is currently experiencing; it is anarcho-syndicalism for climate crisis.

A number of events have been planned to promote the book, the first of which, ‘Open The Box Party’, will be held at the prestigious Keynes Library (home of Virginia Wolff) on the 19th September, ahead of the official launch taking place on Tuesday 24th September at the Horse Hospital, Bloomsbury, London. Other autumn events follow in October. You can find out more about the anthology, events and the Mechanics’ Institute Review here:

Denise McCulloch