NISE McCulloch
NISE McCulloch
Delighted to have my poem ‘Excision’ in Issue 2 of the literary magazine Skirting Around. Click the title to read the full magazine.
Delighted and surprised to find that my artwork is supporting Great Big Green Week and Modern Art Oxford..
Today I stumbled over Ruin and Rebuild whilst I was searching the archive for something totally different. It was an exhibition that I took part in way back in 2017.
Delighted to be one of 15 selected artists for Modern Art Oxford’s Sign Symbol Sound exhibition.
Whatever it is, were against it: 3am magazine
Yesterday I stumbled across this blog article written by fellow poet Julie Mellor which featured my asemic work published in 3am Magazine way back in 2018.
It was my pleasure and privilege to be part of the ‘reading’ team working on behalf of Nobrow Publishing for their annual short story competition. So many talented writers and authors submitted their work and we had some hard decisions to make. Read more by clicking the link here:
“…to question whether creation is heightened through destruction…”
Read my interview with the Artist’s Book Centre here
I am delighted to be exhibiting work at the inaugural Sheffield Artist’s Book Fair on Saturday 5th October, an event that will be part of the opening weekend for Off The Shelf Literary Festival.
I had the pleasure and privilege of being part of the editorial team for the forthcoming anthology from the Mechanics’ Institute Review 16.
I was invited to participate in ‘Messy Beautiful’, a global collective concept where 10 creative women share their humanness: the messy & beautiful parts, the difficult traits that make us unique & valuable.
"...poetry, for me, is the discourse and negotiation between the internal and external."
Read my interview on poetry and climate with Elizabeth Lovatt for MIR Online here
I am thrilled to announce that over the weekend of the 17th & 18th May I will be exhibiting work at the Turn the Page festival at The Forum, Norwich.
The Mechanics’ Institute Review is Birkbeck’s (University of London) annual literary anthology. The submission shortlist for Issue #16 has now been finalised, and as part of the editorial team, I will be agonising as to what makes the final cut and goes into print. Tough decisions ahead…